1 Million Volunteers for Africa 2030
Africa Health Organisation (AHO) has launched 1 Million Health Volunteers for Africa by 2030 to help change lives.

Africa Health Changemakers Volunteers; #AfricaHealth1M2030, #AHO1M2030, #Africa1Million2030, #1MillionVolunteers is our flagship programme of Africa Health Organisation to recruit 1,000,000 (1 million) 1M volunteers across the world to carry out volunteering in Africa in a country of their choice and fundraise for their chosen project using platforms such as Go Fund Me or personal contribution and build a legacy project for the community where they serve. We will be recruiting 200,000 volunteers every year until 2030 to transform the health and lives of the people in Africa. Every year, international development agencies, governments, UN agnecies, etc give billions to Africa in aid, however, nothing is happening on the ground. People are suffering. Poverty is getting worse, People are dying of diseases, hunger, poverty and wars. Where are all these billions of dollars going? Who is benefiting? Ofcourse Africa is loosing. Thats why AHO is starting this Changemaker volunteering programme to transform Africa on the ground.
Role description and Responsibilities
First, choosing a project topic
Africa Health Changemakers Volunteers will choose a global health project from a list below or their own choice. By health we mean 3 things; (1) communicable diseases such as TB, Malaria, Viral Hepatitis, Smallpox, Polio, Ebola, etc, (2) non-communicable diseases such as Cancer, Diabetes, Mental Health, Kidney Faulire, Cardiovascular diseases (CVDs), chronic Lung illness, etc, and (3) social determinants of health such as behaviours that affect our health. Social determinants of health (SDOH) are the nonmedical factors that influence health outcomes. They are the conditions in which people are born, grow, work, live, and age, and the wider set of forces and systems shaping the conditions of daily life. These forces and systems include economic policies and systems, development agendas, social norms, social policies, racism, climate change, and political systems.
The following list provides examples of the social determinants of health, which can influence health equity in positive and negative ways. You can choose your topic and project idea from the list below:
- Economics – Income and social protection
- Education and Literacy and building schools, a block, buying books, etc
- Unemployment and job insecurity
- Food insecurity, agriculture, gardening
- Housing, basic amenities and the environment
- Early childhood development
- Social inclusion and non-discrimination
- Structural conflict, piece building
- Colonialism, Racism, Discrimination and Imperialism
- Access to affordable health services of decent quality.
- Water and Sanitation
- Politics and decision-making
- Climate Change and its impact
- Air Pollution and Water pollution
- Environment and conservation, biodiversity and plastic pollution
- Cultural Norms and Beliefs
- Behaviour such as smoking, alcohol and drug abuse, unsafe sex
- Biologicals such as age, gender, race
- Religion and Belief, such as witchcraft, religious fanaticism, cults, religious fundamentalists
- Animal health (verterinary) such as anthrax and rabbies
- Agriculture and food
- Poverty
- Energy
- Digital development
- Disaster risk management
- Mining and oil extraction
- Financial section and inclusion
- Gender equality, gender based violence
- Infrastructure development
- Urban development
- Rural development
- Trade and macroeconomics
- Engineering and modelling
- Governance, corruption and Human Rights
- Buiding hospitals, GP surgeries, health centres, clinics, maternity ward, children’s centre, etc
- Among others, and so on, etc
Second, project plan
After your choice, develop the topic into a project that you would like to deliver in Africa with the guidance of AHO. We will discuss your project and come up with a plan of action.
Third, fundraising your project
Start fundraising your project using different methods and ideas. Use Go Fund Me or Facebook to appeal to people to donte to your project. Africa Health Organisation (AHO) is on these websites and you can link with us.
Here are some fundraising ideas:
Bake sale,
Book sale
Coffee mornings or afternoon tea
Golf day
Quiz night
Check AHO website for fundraising ideas.
Fourth, project delivery and visit
You will work with AHO to deliver your project and take time to visit your project and meet the people and see the difference you have made on the ground. AHO will guide you throughout the whole process. Our staff on the ground in Africa will liaise with you about your project choice, delivery and visit. AHO will arrange your visa, transport and accommodation and visit to safaris in your chosen country in Africa.
Join Us and help reach 1 million Volunteers by 2030.
You can combine this role with other AHO volunteering roles you are currently doing or you will be doing.
Qualifications and Experience
- Passion for Africa’s development especially health and social development.
- A willingness to learn and work as an individual and part of a team.
- A high degree of professionalism and the ability to follow instructions.
- Respect and diligence.
- Willingness to raise funds for your chosen project
- Good time management and reliablility.
- A personable manner.
For more information and details and to discuss your idea, please contact Graciano Masauso, AHO President, WhatsApp +44 755 1902 431 or email: graciano”at”aho.org with words, Africa Health Changemakers Volunteer in the subject area.