Republic of the Congo
The Republic of the Congo, also called Congo-Brazzaville, is a central African nation with rainforest reserves that are habitats for gorillas. Its capital city, Brazzaville, lies across the Congo River from Kinshasa, the Democratic Republic of the Congo's capital. Its population is 4 million (2013).
The Republic of Congo is in Central Africa, straddling the Equator. The Global Fund is the major international donor in Congo for HIV and TB. The Global Fund’s investment contributed to the stabilization of the HIV epidemic, with a downward trend of the disease burden since 2005. The country is one of the 22 high-TB burden countries. The TB/HIV co-infection rate in Congo is one of the highest in Western and Central Africa. In 2012, the government of Congo committed to procure antiretroviral treatment and HIV commodities for adults, while the Global Fund support will cover paediatric antiretroviral treatments. However the procurement system is weak, which has led to chronic shortages and persistent stock-outs of antiretroviral drugs and related commodities. Appropriate actions have been initiated, and the procurement system is being reformed. Malaria is endemic in Congo and is the leading cause of death. The Global Fund has contributed to the distribution of 1.2 million bed nets in the country.
- Participation in global and international health.
- Technical areas, including HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis, and malaria; global health security, with a special focus on bioterrorism; emerging infectious diseases.
- Health promotion and disease prevention capacity in selected countries.
- Safe motherhood and improving maternal health, specifically the reduction of maternal mortality, as well as improving adolescent health, including the reduction of risky behaviours in that age group.
To cooperate with state, and local authorities and the private sector to address global, regional, and national health issues that impact and are of concern to the Congolese population.
- Projects and activities developed in priority areas, including HIV/AIDS, other emerging diseases, health promotion and disease prevention, global health security, tobacco control, and adolescent and maternal health.
- Support provided to projects to address priority issues within the strategic approach of the communicable diseases
AHO CONGO REPUBLIC BUDGET 2020 (USD million)* based on 2017 pop 5.261 million World Bank
1 | Combating communicable diseases |
87 |
2 | Tackling non communicable diseases |
100 |
3 | Addressing determinants of health & risk factors |
80 |
4 | Modernising health system and health service |
85 |
5 | Improving preparedness, surveillance and response |
86 |
6 | Developing good governance & corporate services |
88 |
Total |
526 |
AHO estimates that it needs to spend at least USD100 per capita on health to meet the basic health needs of the people in Africa. This is too far below developed countries e.g. in England it is US$1,300 per capita (2017)