News December 2023
26 / 12 / 2023
AHO Launches 1 Million Volunteers for Africa by 2030
Africa Health Organisation (AHO) has launched Africa Health Changemakers Volunteers 2030 to recruit 1 million volunteers from across the world to do health and social change projects in Africa.
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02 / 12 / 2023
Climate Change Heat and Health impact
Global temperatures and the frequency and intensity of heatwaves will rise in the 21st century as a result of climate change. Extended periods of high day and nighttime temperatures create cumulative physiological stress on the human body which exacerbates the top causes of death globally, including respiratory and cardiovascular diseases, diabetes mellitus and renal disease.
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02 / 12 / 2023
AHO has published its Climate Change Green Plan 2024-2029
The AHO ambition to be the first Net Zero health NGO in the world and the AHO 2050 targets set by Governing Body has provided greater focus on sustainability.
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