Simbarashe Sande Chifeya
Country Diretor Zimbabwe
Simbarashe Sande Chifeya born 26/01/81. He was born in Mount Darwin and later moved to Murewa where he is residing with his son and wife. He did primary school at Mount Darwin then Kajokoto Secondary school for his O’level and proceeded to Nyamatikiti boarding school for A’levels. He holds an honours in Geographical Information Science and Earth Observations (GIS) degree with University of Zimbabwe where he studied data capturing and data analysis in identifying hot spots of diseases. Simbarashe did many courses in mapping the trajectory of various communicable and non-communicable diseases. He is also an epediomologist and able to do graphical presentations. Simbarashe was born a leader a headboy at O’level and A’level and then a student representative committee member at University of Zimbabwe. He worked with Murewa Rural District Council and District Development Community for data base administration and cooperate strategies. He also worked party time jobs with UNICEF, MOHCC and National AIDS Council. Simbarashe is currently the Acting Director of Africa Health Organizations (Zimbabwe ).